Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dying Spring

Early morning walk, sadness over the daffodils ending, but amazement at the blossom on one of many trees in our garden. I'm sure it wasn't in bloom yesterday - yet this morning, beautiful! An early morning pre-sunrise over the house, a feint tinge of pink from the rising sun, which at this time of year is a huge orb of fluorescent orange-yellow-pink: how else do I describe it?! A chill in the air after yesterday's warmth (in the afternoon the temperature raised to 23 degrees C - astounding for early April) yet today's 6 degrees C in the morning is the norm - I'm not sure about global warming, I've never known English weather to be 'normal' - I still vivdly recall the summer of '76 with standpipes in the streets in London :: and the summer I learnt to ride :: ah, memories...

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